160 Ukrainian: A Comprehensive Grammar Suffixes Notes Examples -уват-, -юват- -овит- -OBH-, -ЄВН- -онн- -ськ-, -зьк-, -цьк- -тн- Deadjectival (qualitative) and denominal, giving respectively an attenuative nuance (-ish) and an idea of rough similarity. Denominal, with a slight majorative sense, e.g. 'rather ...' Not productive. Denominal. Denominal (borrowed words). Very rare more common as -ІЙНИЙ. Denominals with senses of possession (rare), intention ('meant for'), characteristic of. Also geographical terms and names of nations. Participial (past participle passive). Resultative. Unproductive and rare, formed from simplex verbs. блакитнуватий 'blueish' (from блакитний 'blue'), голкуватий 'like a needle', 'prickly' (from голка 'needle'), лантухуватий 'awkward', 'clumsy' (from лантух 'coarse linen sheet', 'heavy hempen sack') діловитий 'active', 'serious' (from діло 'deed', 'act'), хвальковитий 'inclined to boasting', 'rather boastful' (perhaps from хвалій 'boaster') плачевний 'weeping', 'tearful' (from плач 'weeping', 'tears') дивізіонний 'relating to a cavalry division' авторський 'author's', учительський 'teacher's', 'for a teacher', геройський 'heroic', 'like a hero', український 'Ukrainian', київський 'of Kyiv'. Note alternations, as mentioned in Chapter 1. відкритий 'open', молотий 'threshed' знатний 'notable', 'distinguished', 'eminent'