The numeral 201 phrase go in the appropriate case, with the numeral as it were agreeing with the noun phrase. Like пів 'half, and so on, (не)мало 'little' and чимало 'rather a lot', 'a considerable amount' do not decline, but will tend only to be used with the genitive singular or plural, as appropriate, in the nominative and inanimate accusative. Where other cases are required, (не)багато may be used. Like (не)багато they may be used as adverbs, for example, мало працювати 'to work little'. One may note also the adverbs трошки, трошечки 'a little'. 'Majority', 'most' might be conveyed using the noun більшість, gen. більшості, with the genitive of the noun phrase. With a quantifier phrase including більшість as subject, a verb will be singular and, if past or conditional, feminine: Більшість туристів була в готелі «Дніпро». Most of the tourists were in the hotel Dniepro. Used similarly would be сотня 'a hundred' (quite common in the plural), and двійка 'the number two', 'two points/marks', 'two people together' (двійками 'in twos'), трійка 'the number three', 'three points/marks', 'three people together' (трійками 'in threes', утрійку 'three together'). We might take this opportunity to mention numerical adverbs such as раз, двічі, тричі 'once', 'twice', 'three times'; beyond this one can just use the cardinal plus раз, for example, п'ять раз 'five times'. 'Once' in the sense of 'formerly', 'once upon a time', would be колись; 'not a single time' would be ані разу (see 7.1.3 for numerical adverbs). One can also create verbs from numerals, for example потроїти, imperf. потроювати 'to treble', 'triplicate'. 5.5 COMPOUNDS Note the following examples of compounds involving numerals, paying particular attention to the ways in which the different numerals combine: південь noon, south північ midnight, north піврічний semi-annual, half-yearly, six-months-old південний relating to half a day/noon, south(ern) північний relating to midnight, north(ern). полукіпок heap of thirty sheaves (копа three score, sixty) напівживий half-alive сорокаріччя forty-year period п'ятдесят(и)річчя fifty-year period (adj. п'ятдесят(и)річний fifty-year- old, of fifty years)