The verb 225 Compare these two with the forms of дати ( above, identical but for the form of the 3pl. Note that two stresses are possible in the infinitive of оповісти, while only one pattern holds for the non-past paradigm. 6.3.2 THE PAST Infinitives in vowel + -ти In contrast with the non-past tense, the formation of the past is extremely straightforward: there are no consonant mutations or stress alternations; the place of stress in the past essentially follows that of the infinitive. For the vast majority of verbs of both conjugations with an infinitive ending in vowel + -ти, the infinitive marker -ти is dropped and replaced by the following: -в masculine singular (he) -ла feminine singular (she) -ло neuter singular (it) -ли plural, all genders (we, you, they) Verbs marked by the presence of the particle -ся simply add this particle to the form of the past tense; thus: чита-ти - читав, читала, читало, читали писа-ти - писав, писала, писало, писали пй-ти - пив, пила, пило, пили (compare final stress in the non-past as well) лй-ти - лив, лила, лило, лили дзвонй-ти - дзвонив, дзвонила, дзвонило, дзвонили умй-ти-ся - умився, умилася, умилося, умилися The form of the verb is dependent on the gender and number of the subject of the sentence or clause: Борис читав. Borys read, was reading. Вона умилася. She washed (herself). Батько працював. Father was working. Вони пили вино. They were drinking wine. Анна стала медсестрою. Anna became a nurse. Де студенти жили? Where did the students live? Яблуко було на столі. The apple was on the table. Although the formation of the past tense functions in this way for most Ukrainian verbs, an exception to the rule is found among a number of verbs in -нути. Some of them will drop the syllable -ну- in the past tense, but generally only if these verbs: