264 Ukrainian: A Comprehensive Grammar y- (see B- above), уві- motion away from (rare) action encompassing an object in total achieve a result reduce or lessen by action or motion into an object утекти усунути укутати устелити умовити утихнути уварити утягти увіходити flee, run away push away, remove wrap up cover, spread with persuade, convince become silent boil or stew down pull or draw in enter 6.5. J. 1 Multiple prefixation Ukrainian differs to a certain extent from a cognate language such as Russian in the productivity of multiple prefixation, particularly involving the prefix no-. Here we shall focus on the formations nono- and no- + other prefixes: the former can express either greater or lesser intensity of an action (or 'enough' of), while the latter generally express a greater intensity of an action (or numbers of persons or things involved), no matter what the second prefix is. AH of these formations are perfective. It is interesting to note that no-, when added to another no-, annuls the sense of 'a little bit', 'for a little while' that no- on its own can impart; other prefixes generally retain their original meaning, especially when they express spatial motion or position. nono- попобити попоносити попоїсти попоговорйти попомучити попослужити попосидіти попостояти попопросйти повмуровувати повставати повтомлюватися повходити повтихати beat a great deal carry around for a long time, carry many things eat a lot, have a large meal converse for a long time torment much serve a long time sit for a long time (compare посидіти above) stand around for a long time (compare постояти above) beg or ask much wall up in many places Many people stand up. Many become tired out. Many enter, one after another. Many fall silent.