Бібліотека Dokladno - наукова та навчальна література



Ви переглядаєте книгу:

Stefan M. Pugh and Ian Press.
Ukrainian: a comprehensive grammar.

Сторінка (загалом з 1 до 331):

30 Ukrainian: A Comprehensive Grammar
For the second group in the list at the beginning of this section we have given
the letters followed by і because this is the commonest environment we come
across. Some examples:
білий [Wilij] white вів [vJ'ip] led
кінь [WinJ] horse шість [P'isjtf] six
ножі [nozJ'i] knives уночі [unotp'i] at night
What has been said above does not refer to sequences of two consonants, of
which the second is soft. In such cases the general rule is that the first is
pronounced soft too unless it is a labial. So:
у місті [umJ'isUJi] in the town одній [odJnJ'ij] one (D.L.sg. f.)
сніг [sw'ih] snow
and after the labials, namely б, п, в, ф, м:
я люблю [j'a PublJ'u] I love.
коноплі [кзп'зрУі] hemp (G.sg. f.)
вони графлять, [von'i hrafP'ot'] They draw lines.
вони кормлять. [vDn'i k'ormlJatJ] They feed.
Remember that in Ukrainian consonants are hard before e:
театр theatre лебідь swan
Нева the Neva (river) серенада serenade
день day дзеркало mirror
Note the suffixes -ськ-, -зьк-, -цьк-:
російський Russian ризький of Riga
козацький cossack
Do not confuse these with cases where we are not dealing with the same
плаский flat різкий harsh, sharp
в'язкий adhesive
The soft sign is never written after ж, ч, ш, щ, and these consonants are hard,
except when lengthened before я, ю, с, and, slightly softened, before i.
The soft sign palatalizes an immediately preceding consonant. One might see
it extremely approximately as symbolizing the palatal par excellence, namely
a >>-sound, which is to be incorporated as well as possible into the preceding
consonant. This >>-sound appears also in our transcription of є, ї, ю, я;
of these only the first one and last two occur regularly immediately after
consonants, and their first component, the y, has the same effect as the soft

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скачати Stefan M. Pugh and Ian Press. Ukrainian: a comprehensive grammar.