The noun 109 Case government of Ukrainian prepositions Prepositions governing the genitive Preposition біля близько в = у вдовж = удовж вздовж = уздовж від (од: archaic) вподовж = уподовж впоперек = упоперек впродовж = упродовж всередині = усередині ДЛЯ до довкола (довкіл) з, зі, зо, із з-за,із-за замість, замісто збоку зверх,зверху ззаду з-перед з-під з-поміж (з-помежи) з-понад з-попід з-посеред з-проміж коло край крім мимо навколо (навкіл) навкруч (навкручи) навпроти накрай налад напередодні насупроти неподалік обабіч Meaning close to, near near at, near, from, among, to have along along from, since, than (with a comparative) along across along inside for to, until, up to, before around (rare, cited as an adverb in SUM) from, off, of from behind, through instead of, in place of alongside, by the side of on top of, beyond (more than) from the rear of, behind from in front of, from before from under, from beneath from among from above from under, from beneath from the midst of from among around, near, by near, by except (for), besides past around, round around directly opposite at the end/edge of according to, in the form/shape of a short time before (an action or event) opposite not far from on/from both sides of