110 Ukrainian: A Comprehensive Grammar обік обіруч обіч од: see від окруч (окручи) опріч (перше, rare, coll. після побіля поблизу поверх повз повздовж подовж позад позаду поздовж попереду поперек поруч поряд посеред проти (против dial.) ради серед спереду супроти (супротив, dial.) у: see в удовж: see вдовж уздовж: see вздовж уподовж: see взподовж упоперек: see впоперек упродовж: see впродовж усередині: see всередині This list clearly contains many synonymous (or nearly so) prepositions; compare, for example, the set 'along', which can be expressed by вздовж, вдовж, вподовж, впродовж, подовж, повздовж, поздовж. The key element in all of these particular prepositions is the root -довж- (< довг-) 'long'. Another large group of this kind expresses 'near', but not all of these forms are based on the same root. Some items may be considered by individual sources to be adverbs only (and then will be used with an unambiguous preposition, as in неподалік від 'not far from'); all forms listed here may, however, occur as bona fide prepositions and are included for the sake of completeness. Examples: side by side, near on all sides, from all sides (rare) beside, by around except, besides before (in time)) after nearby, close by (to) near, close to over, on, above past along along behind, after behind, at a certain distance behind along before (temporally and spatially) across, through the centre of next to, alongside near, close to, along with in the middle of, amongst, among against, opposite for the sake of, on account of in the middle of, amongst, among in front of, before against, opposite, in the face of