The noun 131 жмурки 'blindman's buff\ досвітки 'evening party (autumn or winter) for village youth activities', поминки 'commemoration of the dead', хованки 'hide-and-seek'. -Ko occurs infrequently in diminutives of neuter nouns, and as a marker of diminutives or endearment for animate nouns in general: блюдечко 'little plate', відерко 'small bucket', вушко 'small or dainty ear', яблучко 'little apple', зайченятко 'little rabbit', соловейко '(dear) little nightingale', матвійко '(dear) little Matvij'. -лищ(е): see -ищ-. -ло is unproductive in the language, but does occur in two contexts: (i) as a colloquial marker, in deverbal forms, reflecting an activity characteristic of the person in question; and (ii) in naming a tool or object used in the action expressed by the base verb: бурмило 'mutterer', зубрило (= зубрилка) 'one who studies mechanically', чудило (= чудій, дивачка) 'eccentric person', мило 'soap', шило 'awl', грузило 'lead used in fishing nets', сідло 'saddle'. -льня occurs in deverbal nouns indicating the place of an action: спальня 'bedroom', читальня 'reading room', купальня 'bathroom' (not 'toilet'). -ник (<н-ик) is an extremely common suffix (most common as in (i) below), with a wide variety of functions and meanings. (i) In deverbals as a designator of a male person occupied with the activity expressed by the base verb, likewise in deadjectivals (the base forms of which are in turn ultimately based on nouns): зазивник 'one who appeals', зрадник 'traitor', керівник 'director', 'leader', провідник 'guide', 'leader', двірник 'janitor', 'courtier', ключник 'doorkeeper', 'butler'. (ii) In a few deverbal forms designating the tools with which an action takes place: накатник 'instrument (such as a brush) with which to spread paint, glue and other substances', підйомник (= підіймач, ліфт) 'a lift'. (iii) In deadjectival/desubstantival formations referring to items relating to the base noun: градусник 'thermometer', нічник 'chamber pot ('thing for use at night'!), сірник 'match'. (iv) In reference to plants or the places in which they grow: малинник 'raspberry', 'place where raspberries grow', ялинник 'fir (tree) grove'. (v) As a designator of the place in which animals are kept: корівник 'cowshed', курник 'henhouse', 'chicken coop'. COMPOUND SUFFIXES WITH -ник: -льник is found in deverbal nouns expressing items used in the action in question, more rarely in reference to a person involved in the action: вішальник 'one who has been hanged', мовчальник (= мовчан, мовчун) 'taciturn person', будильник 'alarm clock ('waker')', світильник 'lamp', 'candlestick', холодильник 'refrigerator'. -ництво: see -ство, -цтво below.