144 Ukrainian: A Comprehensive Grammar Compounds incorporating abbreviations One final method of compounding involves the use of abbreviations: abbreviations for stem 1 are modifiers (adjectives); stem 2 can also be an abbreviation, in this case of a base substantive. Both constructions became extremely common during the Soviet period; while many such formations will be encountered in older writings, most are falling into disuse. фізкультура physical culture (physical education) < фізична культура фізкультурник, фізкультурниця male, female lover of sports держплан state plan(ning) Держбанк state bank держбюджет state budget соцстрах social security, insurance < соціальне страхування Нарком < народній комісаріат people's commissariat (now only as a historical term, in reference to the early Soviet period) сільрада rural council компартія Communist Party госпрозрахунок management of accounts, economy