148 Ukrainian: A Comprehensive Grammar молода - колишня молоде - колишнє молоді - колишні They are in fact what is referred to as 'full contracted forms', as distinct from the nominative singular masculine, молодий - колишній, which is a 'full uncontracted form'. Full uncontracted forms do exist for the nominatives other than masculine, but tend to be restricted to folklore and poetry and are not recommended for the standard language. Examples would respectively be: молодая - колишняя молодеє - колишнєє молодії - колишнії In northern dialects one also encounters a full contracted form for the nominative singular masculine, for example, молоди - колишні. 3.1 DECLENSION 3.1.1 GENERAL In Chapter 2 we saw that the Ukrainian noun possesses a complex declensional system, involving gender, number, and case. Ukrainian adjectives agree in gender, number, and case with the noun they qualify. As will be seen from the following tables, which aim to be reasonably comprehensive, this has the consequence that the Ukrainian adjective has separate forms for each gender in the singular. This does not apply in the plural, presumably partly because the noun itself does not have clear gender distinctions there. It will also be seen that the masculine and neuter singular forms largely overlap, and that there is some measure of identity between different case forms. In the tables the locative forms given in parentheses are less frequently found alternatives, and '= nom. or gen.' for the accusative singular masculine and accusative plural indicates that the genitive form is selected where animate nouns are qualified, and the nominative form otherwise (compare the noun). The vocative is not mentioned separately, as it is identical with the nominative. 3.1.2 HARD-STEM ADJECTIVES Гарний 'beautiful', 'fine', 'nice' Masculine Neuter N. гарний гарне G. гарного D. гарному A. = nom. or gen. = nom І. гарним L. гарному (гарнім) Feminine гарна гарної гарній гарну гарною гарній Plural гарні гарних гарним = nom. or gen. гарними гарних Н. Р. д. 3. о. м.