The adjective 153 optionally. Its optionality may be extended to more or less all adjectives. An example: більш/менш симпатична людина a more/less likeable person Usage and 'than' Than' after comparative adjectives is rendered by one of the following: (a) ніж + thing/person compared (no change in case) (b) від + genitive of the thing/person compared (c) проти + genitive of the thing/person compared (d) за + accusative of the thing/person compared (є) як + thing/person compared (no change in case) (f) над + accusative of the thing/person compared The comparative may also be qualified by various adverbs, such as значно 'considerably', незрівнянно 'incomparably', ще 'even', 'yet', далеко 'far', багато 'much', геть то 'far and away'. In the following few examples of usage, you will note that the comparative agrees in case, number, and gender with the noun or noun phrase to which it refers, whether its role is attributive or predicative. As predicate it may occur in the instrumental case, but this is atypical and tends to be limited to usage with pseudo-copulas like здаватися 'to seem', вважатися 'to be regarded, considered', and уявлятися 'to appear'. Він вибрав ще нижчий стілець, ніж інші діти, бо не хотів, щоб його бачили. Не chose an even lower chair than the other children, because he didn't want to be seen. Київські хмарочоси незрівнянно більші, від тих у Нью-Йорку. The skyscrapers of Kyiv are incomparably higher than those in New York. Моя сестра вважається всіма ще розумнішою від братів. Everyone considers my sister to be even more sensible than her brothers. Минулого тижня книжки в тому магазині були дорожчі, ніж у великій книгарні в центрі міста. Last week the books in that shop were more expensive than in the big bookshop in the town centre. Старша дівчина, з глибшої балки, я не бачив нічого кращого за це. The older girl, from the deeper valley, I've seen nothing more beautiful than that. (Syn: 65)