Бібліотека Dokladno - наукова та навчальна література



Ви переглядаєте книгу:

Stefan M. Pugh and Ian Press.
Ukrainian: a comprehensive grammar.

Сторінка (загалом з 1 до 331):

154 Ukrainian: A Comprehensive Grammar
The superlative is formed synthetically, by prefixing най- to the comparative
or, where the comparative is formed analytically, by preceding the plain
adjective by найбільш 'most' (or найменш 'least'). The synthetic form may be
reinforced by the prefixation of як- or що, such as щонайкращий 'the (very)
best'. (For the 'absolute' superlative, i.e. roughly 'a most ...', 'very', and so
on, see 3.4.4.)
To render 'of after a superlative, as in 'the best of.. .', one may use the
following prepositions:
(a) з + genitive
(b) серед + genitive
(c) за + accusative
(d) від + genitive
(є) між among + instrumental
(f) з-поміж from among + instrumental
In the case of (c) and (d) the phrase will normally include a form of увесь:
Сергій - це студент гірший за всіх.
Serhij is the worst student.
One may also form the superlative by using the comparative followed by a
'than' phrase including the pronoun увесь.
Superlatives agree in case, number, and gender just like comparatives, with
the occasional use of the instrumental case after pseudo-copulas, again as
with comparatives.
Here are a few examples:
Найбільш промислові райони знаходяться у східній Україні.
The most industrial regions are to be found in eastern Ukraine. (Such a
comparative would not always be approved, since the adjective is
У цій граматиці говориться за особливості та найбільш уживані
конструкції української мови.
In this grammar the features and most used constructions of Ukrainian are
Серед усіх батьків вони найсимпатичніші.
Of all the parents they are the most likeable.
Individual prefixes naturally go along with suffixes, the latter being essential
in the creation of adjectives except in the case of many body parts, where the

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скачати Stefan M. Pugh and Ian Press. Ukrainian: a comprehensive grammar.