158 Ukrainian: A Comprehensive Grammar Suffixes Notes Examples -ннськ- -ИСТ-, -1CT- -ИТ- -ИЧН-, -1ЧН- -ИНН- -1B-, -1B- -ІВСЬК-, -1ВСБК-, -овськ- Quite rare, derives from geographical names and мати. Denominal, deadjectival, deverbal. Denominals are somewhat colloquial and emphasize great quantity. Deadjectivals are similar (filtering through to a source noun). Deverbals are rare and suggest an inclination. Unproductive. Forms adjectives covering international scientific terms. Also derived from numerals. Derived from ordinal numerals. Denominal (human reference, personal names). Deadjectival (creating relative adjectives). Creates adjectives from male animates, with sense of 'like', 'peculiar to', from inanimates, with a sense of 'relating to', from geographical names, and from initial or truncated compounds. бакинський 'of Baku', материнський 'maternal', 'motherly' басистий 'bass (-player)', голосистий ioud-voiced', піщанистий 'with lots of sand' (from піщаний 'sandy') маститий 'dignified', іменитий 'noble', 'respectable (colloquial)' артистичний 'artistic', циклічний 'cyclic', п'ятерйчний 'fivefold' первинний 'primary', 'initial' (from первий = перший 'first') учителів 'teacher's', Олексіїв 'Oleksii's' бальзаківський 'relating to Balzac', банківський 'relating to a bank', дніпровський 'relating to the Dniepr', вузівський 'relating to a Higher Education/university establishment'