164 Ukrainian: A Comprehensive Grammar ультра- через- 'ultra-', 'extreme', often synonymous with над- dePR, rather rare, 'across', 'over' ультракороткий 'ultra-short'. ультрафіолетовий 'ultra-violet' черезплічний '(carried) over the shoulder' 3.3.3 PREFIX + SUFFIX Prefix-suffix Notes Examples небез- + -H- (hard) denominal, 'not un-' про- + -ськ-/-зьк-/ denominal, 'pro-' -анськ-/-н- (hard) спів- + -H- (hard) су- + -H- (hard) denominal, 'co-' denominal, characterizes source noun, unproductive транс- + -H- (hard)/ denominal -ов-/-ськ-/-ійськ- (place-names), 'trans-' небезуспішний 'not inefficient', 'not unsuccessful', небезкорисний 'not without profit' профранцузький 'pro-French', прозахідний 'pro-West' співрядний 'equal' сучасний 'modern', 'of the time' трансполярний 'transpolar' Note that derivation can be more complex and the prefixation/suffixation need not be simultaneous, for example, співробітник 'collaborator', 'fellow- worker' may be seen as an established stem (itself a derived noun: see 2.5), from which співробітницький 'collaborative' may be derived. There is no word пека underlying безпека 'safety', 'security', so here we do not really have the prefix небез- in небезпечний 'dangerous' (безпечний 'safe'). What we have is the prefix or particle не- and a root or stem -безпек-, plus an ending -a, thus безпека 'safety'. See 3.3.2. Remember too that certain suffixes trigger consonantal alternations. 3.3.4 COMPOUND ADJECTIVES Some compound adjectives reflect coordination of their lexical elements; the elements are sometimes quite independent of each other, sometimes more closely linked, without being clearly subordinate to each other. Thus: