Бібліотека Dokladno - наукова та навчальна література



Ви переглядаєте книгу:

Stefan M. Pugh and Ian Press.
Ukrainian: a comprehensive grammar.

Сторінка (загалом з 1 до 331):

The adjective 165
істбрико-філологічний факультет history and language-and-literature
faculty (independent)
торговельно-морськйй флот merchant navy (lit. 'trading-maritime fleet')
(more closely linked, with hyphen)
яскраво-синій bright blue (the same, typical of shades of colour and of
світло- bright-, light-
темно- dark-
сіро-зелений grey-green
кйсло-солодкий sweet-and-sour
Where a hyphen is written one might consider the stress on the first
component to be secondary. The hyphen may be missing in such cases too (the rule
would be that a hyphen is present where the compound is less integrated, thus
the first of the two examples below is in a sense two colours, while the second,
without a hyphen, is one), for example,
жовто-блакйтний yellow-blue
жовтогарячий fire-yellow
and where the first component comes from загальний 'common', 'general',
'universal', for example,
загальновживаний generally accepted/used
загальнообов'язковий binding on all
Similar to the more tightly linked compounds are those which are often
considered subordinate, where the first element may be seen as syntactically
dependent on the second. If the second element is a part of the body, such
compound adjectives are suffixless, for example:
білолиций white-faced повновидий chubby (lit. 'full-faced')
синьоокий blue-eyed
Otherwise we find a suffix, as in вузькоглядний 'narrow-minded',
чорноморський 'Black-Sea'. These two types of compound adjectives are
both made up of an adjective followed by a noun. We find also sequences of
noun and adjective, noun and verb, and numeral and noun, each suffixed
unless a part of the body is involved, for example:
життєрадісний buoyant, jovial вогнепальний capable of being fired/
шестикрилий six-winged shot
кількаповерховий multi-storeyed двомовний bilingual
The first component may be an adverb, for example:
густонаселений densely populated

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скачати Stefan M. Pugh and Ian Press. Ukrainian: a comprehensive grammar.