Бібліотека Dokladno - наукова та навчальна література



Ви переглядаєте книгу:

Stefan M. Pugh and Ian Press.
Ukrainian: a comprehensive grammar.

Сторінка (загалом з 1 до 331):

166 Ukrainian: A Comprehensive Grammar
or a form of все, сам, свій with suffixation, for example:
всеукраїнський all-Ukrainian своєрідний original
'Half-' is conveyed by пів- or напів-, for example:
піврічний six-months-old, half-yearly напівдикий half-wild
We might also mention compounds whose second component is -видний or
-подібний, for example:
грушовидний pear-like/shaped людиноподібний like a person
Regarding position relative to the qualified noun or noun phrase, the
attributive adjective as a rule precedes, although it may follow when emphatic or for
stylistic reasons.
Adjectives are more often than not 'used' - they say something about other
words, typically nouns, which themselves may be independent or dependent,
say, when a noun is in a case determined by a governing verb or preposition,
стара хата an old house
у старій хаті in the old house
Вона вийшла сухою з води. She got off scot-free.
Він визнав себе винним. Не admitted his guilt (lit. 'confessed himself
молодий/молода сирота a young orphan (Note that with epicenes
(common-gender nouns) the adjective takes the gender of whom the
noun refers to.)
So adjectives are mostly subordinate to other words and constructions. In
this respect one might note that there are, too, adjectives which function as
nouns, for example:
лісничий forester Рівне Rivne (city) минуле the past
майбутнє the future хворий a sick person молодий a young person,
The last two exemplify the universal potentiality of semantically appropriate
adjectives to refer to a person, man, or woman, or people without the actual
use of the noun proper.

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скачати Stefan M. Pugh and Ian Press. Ukrainian: a comprehensive grammar.