176 Ukrainian: A Comprehensive Grammar of the sentence requires - the forms for males and mixed as given indicate animate accusative; if a preposition is involved, then it immediately precedes the second component. For 'male and female', note that the masculine is selected for the second component. Note finally the stress of the second component, fixed on the first syllable. Thus: Мені здається, що вони майже завжди розмовляють одне з одним. It seems to me that they're almost always talking to one another, (mixed) Ми розмовляли один про одного. We were talking about each other, (males) Щовечора вони телефонують одна до одної. They telephone each other every evening, (females) Коли жінка нарешті отримала розлучення, вона зрозуміла, що вони з чоловіком зовсім не знали одне одного. When his wife finally obtained a separation, she understood that she and her husband didn't know each other at all. (mixed) Note from the last example how one conjoins subjects, namely, and normally, by using the plural pronoun, adding the other component of the subject (pronoun or noun) via the preposition з + instrumental, thus ми з братом 'my brother and Г, Ви з нею 'you and she'. 4.2 POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS Note first of all that these are adjectival in form and agree in case, number, and gender with what they possess. On the whole they precede the noun or noun phrase they qualify, but may, for emphasis or stylistic reasons, follow. They function both as possessive pronouns, i.e. 'mine', 'yours', and so on and as possessive adjectives, i.e. 'my', 'your', and so on. My/mine N. G. D. A. I. L. Masculine Neuter мій моє мого моєму = nom./gen. = nom. моїм моєму (моїм) Feminine моя моєї моїй мою моєю моїй Plural мої моїх моїм = nom./gen. моїми моїх н. р. д. 3. О. М. Твій 'your/yours' (singular familiar/informal) and свій 'one's', 'my/mine', and so on decline like мій. Occasional alternative forms for мого, моєму, моєї, моєю are respectively (and generalizing to твій, свій) мойого, мойому/мойму/мому, меї, мею. The first two are dialectal and poetic; the others are more narrowly local.