The pronoun 179 Хто не був у Києві, той не знає, яке це гарне місто. Whoever has not been to Kyiv doesn't know what a fine town it is. Що це за люди? What sort of people are they? Що за краса! What beauty! (Note the nominative of the noun in these two phrases. The reason is that we have a loan from German through Polish, with за actually going with що, which is in the expected accusative case. Compare German Was ist das fur ein Mann? 'What sort of a man is that?') що in relative clauses In the following examples we see the use of що functioning as a marker of relative clauses (compare 4.3.3). This is counter to what one might expect as a speaker of English and other languages, in which the element - in reference to persons - is 'who' and not 'what'. The second and third examples are especially worthy of note, as 'with whom' and 'to whom' are expressed by preposition(s) and/or relevant case(s) following the element що, with no change in що: Там сидить дівчина, що мешкає в Одесі. The girl who lives in Odessa is sitting there. Он той чоловік, що з ним я розмовляв у центрі міста. That's the man with whom I was talking in the town centre. Я не знаю людини, що їй я дав книжку. І don't know the person to whom I gave the book. (Note that людина refers to both sexes, but has feminine gender - occasionally errors occur! The form here is the genitive, after the negative verb.) 4.3.2 'WHOSE?' чий? 'whose?' Masculine Neuter N. чий чиє G. чийого D. чийому A. = nom./gen. = nom. І. чиїм L. чийому/чиєму (чиїм) Feminine чия чиєї чиїй чию чиєю чиїй Plural чиї чиїх чиїм = nom./gen. чиїми чиїх н. р. д. 3. О. М.