190 Ukrainian: A Comprehensive Grammar 700 800 900 1000 2000 1 million 1 billion сімсот вісімсот дев'ятсот тисяча дві тисячі мільйон мільярд семисотий восьмисотий дев'ятисотий тисячний двохтисячний мільйонний мільярдний Note I: Cardinal 'Г is declined as an end-stressed pronoun (as in той, та, те - Одно is the earlier form, одне having arisen under the influence of the adjectival form, for example, старе); ordinals are declined like adjectives (see 5.1.4). Note 2- The teens, tens (apart from 'ten'), and hundreds (apart from 'one hundred') are compound, i.e. written as one word - the hundreds are declined in both elements. Compound numerals and fractions are composite, i.e. written separately, as in тридцять сім 'thirty-seven', вісімсот п'ятдесят шість '856', дві цілі і чотири п'ятих 'two point eight'. Note 3: Note the use of the apostrophe and the soft sign, particularly the omission of the soft sign (when a nominative marker) word-internally (an omission not preventing word-internal declension of the hundreds). Note 4: Note the stress difference between certain ordinals and cardinals, namely дев'ять дев'ятий 'nine' - 'ninth', десять - десятий Чеп' 'tenth', двадцять - двадцятий 'twenty' 'twentieth', тридцять - тридцятий 'thirty' - 'thirtieth', сорок - сороковий 'forty' - 'fortieth'. Note 5: We can add нуль 'zero', genitive нуля, which if constructed with a noun or noun phrase will place them in the genitive case. 5.1 THE CARDINALS AND COLLECTIVES Cardinals may on the whole be used either on their own, in which case they are fully declined (see 5.14) as required by the syntax of the sentence, for example: До шести додати сім. Add six to seven. Від чотирьох відняти три. Subtract three from four. Пятдесят - це ціле число. Fifty is a whole number. Все одно. It's all the same. Одні були вдома, інші були в місті. Some were at home, others were in town. їм пощастило, що вони знайшли одна одну в університеті вчора. They were lucky they found each other at the university yesterday.11 As such they might be interpretable as pronouns, since there will always be some sort of reference, even when used mathematically.