192 Ukrainian: A Comprehensive Grammar росіянина 'two/three/four Russians'. This applies in general to nouns whose plural stem is different from their singular stem, for example, дві дитини two children (plural діти, singular дитина) дві дівчини two girls (plural дівчата, singular дівчина) два імені two (first) names (plural імена, singular ім'я) One may find collectives with animates with such forms, for example, двоє росіян 'two Russians', четверо дітей 'four children'. One also finds the genitive singular where the noun refers to something occurring in pairs, though this arguably overlaps with the two-stem case, for example два вуха 'two ears', три ока 'three eyes', чотири плеча 'four shoulders' (nominative plural of the last two очі, плечі respectively, citation forms око, плече; note that, though these may refer to pairs, there is no restriction to using два with them). One needs also to note that an adjective after these numerals will go either into the nominative plural or into the genitive plural, thus два нові/нових будинки 'two new buildings', три нові/нових хати 'three new houses', чотири нові/нових села 'four new villages'. What was said above applied only when the syntax of the sentence requires the nominative case (or the inanimate accusative). When any other case is required, the numeral and noun phrase go into that case. This may seem to be a superfluous comment; however, it does reflect the special treatment of the adjective, and the use of the genitive form and genitive stress just mentioned. Thus, for example: Я знаю тих двох молодих хлопців. І know those two young boys. Він дасть книжки тим ста шістдесятьом двом дівчатам. He'll give the books to those 162 girls. Note, from the last example, that a pronoun precedes the numeral and goes in the appropriate case - it is autonomous of the numeral, i.e. ті дві людини 'those two people' (this will be clearer immediately below, where we look at other numerals). 5.1.3 П'ять AND ABOVE Beyond чотири, in non-compound numerals, in compound numerals ending in anything but '1-4', and in collectives, we have the same situation where the genitive, dative, instrumental, locative, and, optionally, animate accusative are concerned, for example, у двадцяти п'яти хатах 'in twenty-five houses'. Where the nominative and inanimate accusative are concerned, however, the noun phrase goes into the genitive plural, for example, п'ять нових будинків 'five new buildings'. But note усі п'ять нових будинків 'all five new buildings', where the pronoun, standing outside the quantifier phrase, appears in the nominative plural.