The numeral 195 N. G. D. A. I. L. 2 двоє двох двом = nom. двома двох or gen. 9 дев'ятеро дев'ятьох дев'ятьом = nom. or gen. дев'ятьома дев'ятьох Н. P. д. 3. О. М. 12 ЗО N. G. D. А. І. L. дванадцятеро дванадцятьох дванадцятьом = nom. or gen. дванадцятьома дванадцятьох тридцятеро тридцятьох тридцятьом = nom. or gen. тридцятьома тридцятьох Н. Р. д. 3. о. м. Note the stress patterns. That of двоє applies also to троє, that of дев'ятеро applies to four to ten and to обоє 'both', that of дванадцятеро applies to the teens, and that of тридцятеро applies to that of двадцятеро. In the instrumental one also encounters the ending -ьма. The collectives are quite widely used in Ukrainian, particularly from двоє to четверо and to some extent to десятеро. They are used in counting masculine human beings (though this is not a strict rule, most animates being candidates), if any other noun is included, or just human groups without a noun, thus двоє братів 'two brothers', троє бобрів ЧЬгее beavers', Нас було четверо There were four of us'. Note that they are followed by the genitive plural when themselves in the nominative. When constructed with a noun, the normal cardinal is very frequent, for example, два брати 'two brothers'. Otherwise, their major use is with pluralia tantum, for example, четверо дітей 'four children' (there is, of course, a singular дитина 'child', but the relationship is suppletive; since it is suppletive, as we have seen above, дві дитини is quite acceptable!), двоє ножиць 'two (pairs of) scissors' (ножиці 'scissors'), четверо окулярів 'four (pairs of) spectacles' (окуляри 'spectacles'), двоє дверей 'two doors' (двері 'door'). A problem occurs in the case of compound numerals, where the collectives would not be used as final component, i.e. there is no двадцять троє. Here, in the cases other than the nominative and accusative inanimate one simply uses the ordinary cardinal; for the nominative and accusative inanimate one may use a quantifier, most often штука 'piece' or пара 'pair' (for animates the use of the normal cardinal is acceptable, as we saw for дитина above). Thus: У тій крамниці я знайшов тридцять три штуки таких окулярів. In that shop I came across thirty-three such pairs of spectacles. Біля всіх чотирьох дверей стояли поліцейські. Policemen were standing by all four doors.