216 Ukrainian: A Comprehensive Grammar береже бережемо бережете бережуть стриже стрижемо стрижете стрижуть Note that stress in the majority of these verbs is in absolute final position, and never mobile within the non-past. Note, however, that in могти and лягти stress is also on the final syllable in the infinitive, but uniformly on the initial syllable in the non-past; the pattern is reversed in сікти and стригти. The remaining roots of the -гти type are: Root ¦баг- ¦стерег- ¦стиг- дяг- пряг- ¦сяг- •тяг- Ехатріе забагти стерегти достигти одягти запрягти досягти тягти wish, desire watch, guard mature, ripen, reach, attain clothe, dress harness (of horses) reach, procure draw, pull, drag The last group to be treated here are those with an infinitive in -рти; these verbs are particularly worthy of note as the vowel preceding -рти disappears throughout the non-past paradigm: мерти' мру мреш мре мремо мрете мруть to die' оперти' опру опреш опре опремо опрете опруть to rest upon' заперти' запру запреш запре запремо запрете запруть to lock' терти Чо rub' тру треш тре тремо трете труть INFINITIVES IN VOWEL + ТИ.' STRESS: STABLE THROUGHOUT FOR THE MAJORITY OF VERBS The following are examples of verbs in which the consonant of the stem disappears in the infinitive; just as the coming together of two vowels (described above: -e- + -y-) causes the loss of the former, certain stem-final consonants are truncated in the presence of the -т- of the infinitive ending. This stem type as a whole is not productive, and is made up of only a few but common - verbs. Thus: стати Чо become' жити Чо live' іти Чо go' діти Чо put (away)' стану станеш стане станемо станете стануть живу живеш живе живемо живете живуть щу ідеш іде ідемо ідете ІДУТЬ Діну дінеш діне дінемо дінете дінуть