The verb 217 All prefixed verbs containing these stems conjugate in the same way (for example, постати, дістати, устати and ужити, прожити, пережити, and so on). The reader will note that the basic stems of all verbs of this type are short, viz. one syllable (стан-, жив-, ід-, дій-). Compare the following, in which the roots are also monosyllabic; note that the verbs Чо begin' occur only as prefixed verbs: жати Чо жму жмеш жме жмемо жмете жмуть squeeze' жати Чо harvest' жну жнеш жне жнемо жнете жнуть почати, зачати Чо begin' почну почнеш почне почнемо почнете почнуть зачну зачнеш зачне зачнемо зачнете зачнуть One set of verbs in this category has shifting stress; the first of these is the common verb Чо take', while the second and third examples (also expressing 4aking' in one sense or another) are representative of a small group of verbs remarkable for the shape of the infinitive (-йняти) in comparison with the non-past (in which -н- disappears and -м- appears): узяти (взяти) Чо take' візьму візьмеш візьме візьмемо візьмете візьмуть зайняти Чо occupy' займу займеш займе займемо займете займуть прийняти Чо accept' прийму приймеш прийме приймемо приймете приймуть The last, common but very small, set of verbs that can be included in this category consists of those that have the structure consonant + consonant + -ати (referred to in the literature as 'non-syllabic'-a stems, as the root in the infinitive has no vowel). In one of these a vowel appears between the consonants in the non-past paradigm: :all', 'name' рвати Чо pluck', 'pull', Чеаг' РВУ рвеш рве рвемо рвете рвуть брати Чо take' беру береш бере беремо берете беруть звати зву звеш зве звемо звете звуть