218 Ukrainian: A Comprehensive Grammar (shifting stress) пишу пишеш пише пишемо пишете (shifting stress) кажу кажеш каже кажемо кажете Stems with consonant mutations: -ати (-іти) A number of extremely common verbal stems appear at first glance to look like vowel + j stems in the infinitive; thus, писати Чо write' looks as though it ought to conjugate in the same way as читати Чо read', but in fact it does not. The main feature of this type is the appearance throughout the non-past paradigm of a stem-final consonant that is different from the consonant occur- ing in the infinitive; this consonant is the product of a mutation of that base consonant (cf. 1.1.9). Note the following rules regarding the place of stress: (i) if the stress falls after the root (infinitives in -ати), it will shift to the left after the Isg.; (ii) if it is on the stem, then stress remains stable throughout (stress will never shift to the right within the paradigm, from the stem to the ending). Thus: писати Чо write' казати Чо say', ЧеІГ плакати Чо cry' /„u;*v:— -*—^ ґ~и:к:— „*™,л (fixed stress) плачу плачеш плаче плачемо плачете пишуть кажуть плачуть Other common verbs of this type include the following (the consonant alternation is noted in brackets): в'язати (з - ж) to tie, bind кликати (к - ч) to call or cry out мазати (з - ж) to smear, grease чесати (с - ш) to comb (one's hair) різати (з - ж) to cut, slice свистати (ст - щ) to whistle сипати (п - пл: сиплю, сиплеш, сиплють) strew, pour шептати (т - ч) to whisper One anomalous verb in -іти belongs to this general conjugational type; note that the infinitive is end-stressed, while the non-past paradigm is stem- stressed: хотіти Чо want' хочу хочеш хоче хочемо хочете хочуть