Бібліотека Dokladno - наукова та навчальна література



Ви переглядаєте книгу:

Stefan M. Pugh and Ian Press.
Ukrainian: a comprehensive grammar.

Сторінка (загалом з 1 до 331):

246 Ukrainian: A Comprehensive Grammar
with individuals as a mark of respect (i.e. with people one either does not
know or whose position requires respect) or in reference to more than one
person. Positive commands: ти and Ви
The aspect of an imperative is crucial to the correct delivery of an intended
message. Commands of a general nature - in the form of suggestions,
guidelines as to manner of action, and likewise - will require the imperfective
aspect, while a specific command (pertaining to most situations) will usually
be formed from perfective verbs. Compare the following two groups of
examples, the first of which can be described as 'general', the second as
1 Говоріть повільно, будь ласка.
Говори українською (мовою), Ольго.
Пишіть ясно, будь ласка.
Відповідайте, коли знаєте відповідь.
2 Скажіть, будь ласка, де Іван.
Запиши свою відповідь.
Прочитайте восьму лекцію.
Візьми книжку - вона дуже цікава.
Speak slowly, please.
Speak in Ukrainian, Ol'ha.
Please write clearly.
Answer when you know the
Please tell (me) where Ivan is.
Write down your answer.
Read lesson eight.
Take the book - it's very
Sorry! (Excuse me!)
The imperfective may be used for specific commands if there is some urgency
to the request; thus (i) if the action is required immediately or (ii) if the
request had been made once (using the normal perfective) but had not been
acted upon and needed repeating. Note the following examples:
Іване, відчиняй вікно!
Прочитайте першу сторінку. Ну,
Ivan, open the window!
Read the first page. Well, read!
Stop! (lit.'Stand!'cf. Negative commands: ти and Ви
The rule of thumb for negative commands is: (a) imperfective for neutral
statements and (b) perfective when a sense of warning is implied; the latter
might express 'be careful', 'not to', 'lest...'. Compare:
He говори мені про це - це
Не скажи йому: це таємниця.
Не читай цей розділ.
Іде дощ; не забудь парасольку.
Don't tell me about this - it's
Don't tell him: it's a secret.
Don't read this chapter.
It's raining; don't forget the umbrella.

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