Бібліотека Dokladno - наукова та навчальна література



Ви переглядаєте книгу:

Stefan M. Pugh and Ian Press.
Ukrainian: a comprehensive grammar.

Сторінка (загалом з 1 до 331):

The verb 247 Inclusive ('Let's') commands
The \pl imperative, or inclusive, is the form used when asking one or more
individuals to do something together, as a group. For imperfective verbs the
forms Давайте/Даваймо 'Let's' may be used in conjunction with the
Давайте (-мо) грати в карти! Let's play cards!
Давайте (-мо) йти до театру! Let's go to the theatre!
But for both imperfective and perfective verbs the \pl. imperative form may
be used alone, although this is more common for perfective verbs than for
Прочитаймо газету Let's read the newspaper!
Забудьмо цю дурість Let's forget this silliness!
(С)питаймо його! Let's ask him!
The use of давайте with perfectives is found, but less frequently; note
the following example:
Давайте, хлопці, провчимо вражого пана ...
Come on, boys, let's teach the hostile/inimical lord ... (Н-Л)
Here давайте functions not, strictly speaking, as part of the compound \pl.
imperative, but as a general exhortation.
The corresponding negative consists of не будьмо + imperfective verb or
не + \pl. perfective imperative:
He будьмо сперечатися! Let's not quarrel!
He забудьмо послати листа! Let's not forget to post the letter! Third-person commands
A third person (he, she, they) may be asked to do something via someone else;
i.e. 'Have' or 'Let him do this'. The key element is Нехай or Хай 'Have'/'let',
commonly in conjunction with the 3sg. or 3pl. perfective verb, as the action
has not begun yet and future time is implied; if the action is clearly of a
general nature (for example, with no direct object), the imperfective will be
Нехай Олекса прочитає відповідь. Have Oleksa read the answer.
Нехай Олекса читає. Let Oleksa read.
A corresponding negative 'Do not have/let X do Y' does not involve хай/
нехай; instead we would find a circumlocution of the kind 'Do not let/allow
X to do Y':
не дозволяй йому це (з)робйти. Don't allow him to do this.

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скачати Stefan M. Pugh and Ian Press. Ukrainian: a comprehensive grammar.