Бібліотека Dokladno - наукова та навчальна література



Ви переглядаєте книгу:

Stefan M. Pugh and Ian Press.
Ukrainian: a comprehensive grammar.

Сторінка (загалом з 1 до 331):

The verb 249
other words, the verb of motion sets the stage for another (usually perfective)
action. If more than one verb of motion is present in the sentence, they will
be of the same type:
Коли вона йшла додому, побачила свого вчителя.
When she was walking home, she caught sight of her teacher.
Коли ми їхали в гори, ми помітили, що скоро буде гроза.
As we drove (were driving) into the mountains, we noticed that there would
soon be a thunderstorm.
Наш професор ішов по вулиці до університету; я хотів йому
допомогти тому, що він ніс декілька тяжких книжок.
Our professor was walking along the street to the university; I wanted to
help him because he was carrying several heavy books.
Note that such verbs will often be translated into English by means of the
progressive present, viz. verbs marked by '-ing'. The determinates can also be
used to designate a future (especially an immediate future), much as the
English Tonight Гт going' is present in form, but future in meaning:
Сьогодні ввечері ми йдемо до театру.
This evening we're going to the theatre. Perfectives
Perfective verbs of motion express the beginning of the action in question;
whether the particular verb means 'enter', 'exit', 'go', and so on, the final
result is not known unless context provides that information. A series of
consecutive actions will all be perfective, and only in such an instance ('He
went here, then went there, and likewise) will the successful outcome of the
actions be clear:
Де дочка? - Вона пішла в магазйн/до магазину.
Where's (my) daughter? - She's gone (left for) the shop. (We do not know
whether she has reached the store or not, we only know she isn't here
Батько поніс подарунок до дідуся.
Father has (gone and) taken a present to Granddad. (He has left; we do not
know if he has reached his destination yet.)
Mania пішла додому, подзвонила до подруги і вийшла в магазйн/до
Masha went home, phoned her (girl-) friend, and went out to the shop.
(The successful completion of the first two verbs is clear, but all we know
of the last is that she left.)

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скачати Stefan M. Pugh and Ian Press. Ukrainian: a comprehensive grammar.