252 Ukrainian: A Comprehensive Grammar Цю книжку було написано мною. This book was written by me. На одній стіні зображено сина Івана. On one wall is depicted the son of Ivan. Собор збудовано в 1422 році. The Cathedral was built in the year 1422. Статтю написано в Англії. The article was written in England. Його переміщено на кафедру російської мови. Не was/has been transferred to the department of Russian language. У цьому творі відображено життя українського народу. In this work is/was reflected the life of the Ukrainian people. Note that a form of бути is not necessary here, as it is felt to be superfluous: the PPP. expresses past tense in and of itself. If a form of бути is used, it will be було, agreeing with the impersonal form in -ho, -to; in such a case, this form may reflect a pluperfect sense 'had been done': При Софійському соборі було засновано школу ... At St Sophia Cathedral a school was/had been founded ... (Жлуктенко e/a/., 1978) Passive constructions with -ся verbs In addition to the uses of -ся verbs noted above, they can also be used in a passive sense: Як пишеться це слово? How is that word written (spelt)? Ці слова не вживаються. These words are not used. Як робиться каша? How is gruel/are grits made? Note that some of these constructions could be interpreted either as passives or as neutral intransitives: Вікно відчинилося. The window was opened or The window opened (by itself) In practice, making such fine distinctions is not necessary; if the question 'by whom/what' cannot be answered in relation to a given sentence, it may be treated as a simple intransitive construction rather than as a passive. Passive constructions with the 3pl form of the verb Although not a true passive formation, the 3pl. of the verb is used very frequently to express that something 'was/is done'; these constructions should therefore be translated as such, and not literally as 3pl. verbs: