The verb 253 По радіо передали, що ... (The message that...) was broadcast by radio У газетах пишуть, що ... It is written in the papers that. . . Говорять, що ... It is said that... 6.4.5 THE USE OF THE GERUND The use of the gerund is strictly dependent on whether two (or more) actions are concurrent, or sequential: (i) If the action expressed by the gerund is taking place at the same time as another, then the gerund will be imperfective: 'While/when X-ing, Y (and Z) took place.' This gerund is sometimes referred to as the 'imperfective' gerund, but the designation 'present' is acceptable: no matter what tense the gerund is associated with, its action is taking place at the same time. (ii) If an action was completed before the action of the second verb, the gerund will generally be perfective: 'Having X-ed, Y took place.' This form can express both 'When/after X had taken place' and 'When/after X will have taken place', thus it is often termed the 'perfective' gerund rather than the 'past' gerund; as imperfective past gerunds do occur (however rarely), we shall use 'past' here. PRESENT Ідучи до школи, Ваня побачив While walking to school, Vanya saw свого вчителя. his teacher. Сидячи в кріслі, батько читав While sitting in the armchair, father газету. read the newspaper. Вона йшла в магазин несучи She was walking to the store мішок. carrying a bag. Пасучи череду корів, Олекса While pasturing a herd of cows побіг напитися води. Oleksa ran to drink his fill of water. Лежачи в ліжку, Анна читатиме Anna will be reading a book while книжку. lying in bed. Стоячи в черзі, ми розмовляємо, While standing in the queue, we жартуємо ... converse, joke ... Note that all of these gerunds can be replaced by коли + verb phrase, as in коли Ваня йшов ..., коли Батько сидів ..., коли Анна лежала ..., and so on. PAST Написавши довгого листа, я Having written the long letter, I set пішов на пошту. off for the post office.