262 Ukrainian: A Comprehensive Grammar This prefix can also impart the meaning of Tor a little while', especially with verbs denoting a process of some kind. This use of no- is very common in Ukrainian; note the first example given, as no- can express both 'simple perfective action', as in the list above, and Tor a little while' (the meanings given refer here only to the perfective): дзвонити сидіти стояти говорити мигати подзвонити посидіти постояти поговорити помигати to ring a bell for a while to sit for a while to stand for a while to have a chat to twinkle for a while Note that a stress shift to the left is possible in some verbs when no- is affixed to them; such forms should be noted as they are encountered. під-, піді-, підо- пред- (rare) при- motion under or from under motion towards extra, additional action action in small amounts surreptitious or secretive action various, generally = Eng. pre- motion expressing arrival at a place join things together or bring them near action expressing pressure on an object, downwards direct an action towards oneself action partially completed підставити підкинути підняти підійти підплисти підлити підмалювати підсохнути підхвалити підмовити підслухати представити прийти принести привезти прибудувати прив'язати придушити причавити призвати приманити пригасити приглушити place under throw under lift, pick up approach swim up to pour a little more touch up, colour more dry up a little flatter a little incite, instigate eavesdrop present arrive (on foot) bring (on foot) bring (by vehicle) build on, annex bind together smother, press down squeeze down on summon, call to one allure, entice extinguish (partially) deaden noise (a little)