The verb 261 action incompletely developed unexpected action не- (rare) negative недо-, неді- incomplete action, not enough о-, об-, обі- motion around direction past an object take an action to its end or completion, sometimes to excess thoroughness of action indicated пере- motion across do an action again or differently do to an excessive degree (undesired) division of an object into parts (two) focus on length of time of an action action encompassing all or a number of objects no- beginning of an action completion of an action надходити надіслати над'їхати нездужати недоспати недолйти недосолити обходити обсікати оббігати обходити обминути об'їсти обпоїти обдумати обговорити перебігти пересісти переробити переписати перегріти пересолити переколоти перерубати перезимувати перечекати пересидіти перебачити перепробувати побігти подути піти поголити подякувати draw near send suddenly arrive suddenly feel weak not to sleep enough not to pour enough not to salt enough go around cut around run around avoid, go past pass by eat up make one drunk deliberate discuss (thoroughly) run across change seats do again rewrite overheat oversalt split cut through (in two) spend the winter outwait, stay a while be sitting (too long) see much taste everything set off (running) give a puff setoff to have shaved to thank (someone)