266 Ukrainian: A Comprehensive Grammar noo-, пообставляти поопускати поосміювати поосвітлювати поочищати поперев'язувати попередавати попереказувати попереписувати попереходити попідпирати попідсікати попідслухувати попідстилати попідмовляти поприбігати поприганяти поприлітати поприпадати поприходити попрочищати попроїдати попрокидатися порозводити порозбігатися пороздвоюватися place many things all around let down, abandon many one after another scorn many light up, illuminate all over clean many things, purge many bind, tie around many things hand over, transmit many things retell to many rewrite many things or much material many walk across, go over support, prop up many things hew or cut under many things (e.g. trees) overhear, eavesdrop on many spread (e.g. a bedspread), strew many things incite, encourage, persuade many people many come running drive, chase in one after another many come/arrive by flying many fall down (upon) many arrive from several directions clean many things thoroughly eat through many things wake up one after another lead to various places run off in different directions divide many things in two Prefixed verbs + -ся Most prefixed verbs with the suffix -ся are the intransitive or reflexive/ reciprocal partners of the same verbs without -ся, as in накрити 'cover' накриватися 'be covered'. However, constructions involving a specific set of