The verb 269 хворіти бліднути дешевіти старіти зеленіти біліти червоніти збідніти холодіти твердіти be ill turn pale fall in price, become cheap(er] ) grow old (less commonly, but also старітися) look green, turn green become white, turn pale grow red, blush become impoverished grow cold, freeze become hard, solid (= тверднути) зеленити білити червонити збіднити холодити твердити make, paint green whiten, bleach make red, dye red make poor, impoverished cool, freeze, make cold harden, temper iron зазолотіти be, become gilded, (no-) golden in colour (Note: зазолотитися = зазолотіти) твердити зазолотйти affirm, assert gild, make golden in colour As the last example shows, the suffix -іти is close in function and meaning to the element -ся; but the deadjectival -іти/-ити correlation is more common than the -ити/-итися type. Such processes as compounding, compounding incorporating abbreviations, and the like, are not a factor in verbal word formation; compounds can be the basis of new verbs, but these will involve processes already noted above.