268 Ukrainian: A Comprehensive Grammar therefore the processes at work cannot be seen as active or productive. In the generation of verbs from substantival bases the essential suffix used is: -увати/-ювати It is clearly productive, and (as seen earlier) it is prominent in the formation of derived imperfectives as well; an apparent extended suffix -изувати/ -ізувати is not a productive formant on its own, but reflects a stem in -из-/-із- present in borrowings from other languages - and these will be verbs in the source languages. Compare the following (note the stress pattern, which is regularly at the end of the suffix): перефразувати характеризувати поляризувати конкретизувати ідеалізувати аналізувати канонізувати The sources of these are obviously Western: compare 'characterize', 'polarize', 'analyse', 'canonize', and similar. The suffix -увати is of course not limited to borrowings, as the following verbs, based on native Ukrainian/ Slavonic roots, show: пан sir, lord (desubst.) прям- direct, straight (deadj.) член limb, member (desubst.) район district (desubst.) марн- useless, empty (deadj.) чар charm, spell (desubst.) столяр carpenter (desubst.) голос voice (desubst.) For substantival roots, then, it is -увати/-ювати that is used in the formation of new verbs; for adjectives (alongside the occasional form with -увати) a variety of other suffixes can occur, including -і-ти, -и-ти, -ну-ти, -а-ти. Of these, -і-ти and -и-ти are the most productive suffixes and they have very specific functions: the former expresses intransitivity, while the latter expresses the corresponding transitive notion; both can occur with the same base form, as seen in the second group of examples below. The suffix -ати is semantically neutral, while -нути (also intransitive) may express some limitation in time, analogous to the 'one-time' notion found in perfective -ну- verbs; in deadjectival formations the suffix can occur in imperfective verbs as well. Note that -іти-verbs are Conjugation І (-ію, ієш, and similar) and -ити-verbs are Conjugation II (-ю, -иш, and so on); both suffixes are almost always stressed. Compare: панувати спрямувати членувати районувати марнувати чарувати столярувати голосувати reign, govern direct, show the way dissect, analyse divide into districts waste, dissipate bewitch, enchant be a joiner, carpenter vote « « « « « « « «