The adverb and adverbial constructions 271 The majority of adjectives in -ний will occur with the marker -o, although a few may be found with both -o and -e, with no change in meaning: дрібно певно рівно складно очевидно виразно даремно таємно щоденно неодмінно законно неймовірно умисно елегантно смішно minutely, in detail certainly, surely, probably straight, evenly, equally with difficulty evidently distinctly in vain, vainly secretly, mysteriously daily without fail legally, according to the law improbably intentionally elegantly comically but also: певне даремне умисне конечне Adverbs formed from the few soft-stem adjectives also occur with -o, with the softness of the preceding consonant expressed in writing by means of the soft sign: достатній - достатньо abundantly, plentifully середньо pertaining to the middle самобутньо originally художньо artistically могутньо mightily 7.1.1 USE OF THE DEADJECTIVAL ADVERB As a rule, the adverb in -o or -e occurs before the verb which it is modifying unless special emphasis is required (for example, with imperatives or in questions), in which case it may occur as the last element of a statement: Він погано грає на скрипці. Не plays the violin badly. Батько добре говорить польскою (мовою). Father speaks Polish well.