Бібліотека Dokladno - наукова та навчальна література



Ви переглядаєте книгу:

Stefan M. Pugh and Ian Press.
Ukrainian: a comprehensive grammar.

Сторінка (загалом з 1 до 331):

272 Ukrainian: A Comprehensive Grammar
Будь ласка, говоріть повільної
Please speak slowly!
Чи дідусь поверне додому пізно?
Is grandfather returning home late?
The adverb by itself (that is, when not modifying a verb) can express a state or
condition that is expressed in English by means of the pleonastic 'it':
Тут тепло.
Сьогодні холодно.
Вже пізно - поспішай!
Варто пам'ятати, що..
Добре, що ти прийшов,
дуже приємно!
It's warm here.
It's cold today.
It's already late - hurry!
It's worth remembering that...
It's good that you came,
very pleased (to meet you)! (lit. 'It is very
This use of the adverb may be termed 'impersonal', as there is no subject
involved; when a person is indicated, however, the one to whom reference is
made will occur in the dative case:
Мені холодно.
Йому (батькові) жарко.
Нам усім дуже приємно .
Валі тяжко на серці.
Мені цікаво.
I'm cold (lit. 'It is cold to me').
He's (father's) hot.
We are all very pleased ...
Valya's heart is heavy.
I am interested, curious.
Adverbs can be formed from numerals as well, in particular from the ordinal
numerals, which are adjectival in form. Note that these consist of the numeral
+ the formant -e; the basic adverb will have a hyphenated prefix no- ('-ly'),
while the prefix y- imparts the sense 'for the Xth time':
по-перше firstly, in the first place
уперше for the first time, firstly
по-друге in the second place, secondly, after all
удруге for the second time
по-третс thirdly, in the third place
утретє for the third time
по-четверте fourthly, in the fourth place
учетверте for the fourth time
по-п'яте fifthly, in the fifth place
уп'яте for the fifth time

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скачати Stefan M. Pugh and Ian Press. Ukrainian: a comprehensive grammar.