The adverb and adverbial constructions 273 Adverbs can also be formed from the collective numerals by means of prefix- ation alone; in other words, their final vowel is not an adverbial marker, but merely the same vowel that occurs at the end of the original collective form. Note that after 'four', it is only the prefix y- that will occur in the standard language. вдвоє (у-) twice more, double, twofold надвоє in two втроє (у-) three times as much, triply/trebly натроє in three ways, in three parts вчетверо (у-) fourfold, four times as much начетверо in four parts, in four ways вп'ятеро (у-) fivefold, five times as much вшестеро (у-) sixfold, six times as much 7.2 ADVERBS OF LOCATION Adverbs of location indicate 'where?', 'place in, to', and 'from'; this category, as is also the case with adverbs of time (7.3), includes primary (non- derived) adverbs and a large number of derived, or secondary, formations. Such derived forms are by and large composed of prefixal elements + base nouns; as the prefixes were originally prepositions, these adverbs are often marked by the presence of a case ending corresponding to the original preposition (commonly the genitive or locative, but where 'motion to' is indicated, the accusative). Among other formations we find an original noun in the instrumental case; whatever the original case form, the new construction is fossilized as an adverb and as such is invariable; compare the same phenomenon among conjunctions (8.0). 7.2.1 INTERROGATIVES де? куди/ звідки, звідкіль, відкіля, звідкіля? where? to where (whither)? from where (whence)? 7.2.2 STATEMENTS OF LOCATION там тамки, тамечки, таменьки отам тут, тута тутенька, тутечка, тутеньки, тутечки тутка, тутки there there (dim. of там, coll.) there, down there here = тут (dim.) = тут (dial.)