12 Ukrainian: A Comprehensive Grammar singular soft stem stress subject suffix tense verb vocative voice word formation when reference is to a single person or item, e.g. 'a pencil' (vs. 'pencils'), or something collective or uncountable, e.g. 'foliage', 'honey'. = palatalized, see 'palatalization'. the form of a word minus the ending, e.g. кнйжк-, добр-, прочитай-, говор-и-, передай-. greater emphasis on one vowel/syllable within a word: compare the two different places of stress in English content vs. content. actor, thing/person carrying out the main action of a sentence: 'John read the article'. a word-formational element: e.g. English -tion, -ment, -ness, -er (the speaker); Ukrainian -ик. time as expressed by the verb (past, present, future). word expressing action: 'Louise writes letters'. case of address: 'John!' Nouns in Ukrainian have a distinct form in the singular: Івані! (vs. Іван, in reference to Ivan). in pronunciation, a sound articulated with accompanying vibration in the throat (the vocal cords or folds), e.g. 'voiced' z as against 'voiceless' s\ in the verb, the contrast between, for example, the 'active' voice in 'John sees Mary', and the 'passive' voice in 'John is seen by Mary'. the process of building words from a given word or base form: transform > transformation. 0.4 UKRAINIAN GRAMMATICAL TERMS (Note that forms are cited first of all in the nominative case, with genitive forms supplied.) accusative active voice adjectival participle adjective adverb adverbial participle alphabet animates aspect знахідний відмінок, -ого -нка активний стан, -ого -у дієприкметник, -а прикметник, -а прислівник, -а дієприслівник, -а абетка, -и, алфавіт, -у or алфавіт, -у назви істот (from назва, -и 'name', and істота, -и 'being') вид,-у