280 Ukrainian: A Comprehensive Grammar надто стільки стільки ... скільки ... тільки трохи трошки трошечки чимало чимраз чим (більше) тим (ліпше) too much so much, as much, so many so ... as ..., as .. . as .. . only a little, little very little (diminutive of трохи) very little (diminutive of трошки) quite a lot, considerably ever more (+ comparative) the (more) the (better) 7.5 ADVERBS OF MANNER Adverbs of 'manner' in part answer the question 'In what way is an action carried out?'; in this sense, they parallel the function of the deadjectival adverbs described in 7.1. The two sets of forms differ in that (i) adverbs of manner consist of a small set of forms (whereas deadjectival adverbs can theoretically be formed from every adjective) and (ii) they are not generally deadjectival. як? яким способом? яким чином? так байдуже, байдужно абияк раптом мовчки навмисне дарма, даремно, марно надаремно, надаремне недарма, недаром даром, дарма інакше, інак нишком гаразд мимохіть крадькома босоніж спросоння гуртом по-батьківськи, по-батьківському по-нашому, (по-вашому, and so on) по-українському, по-українськи how? in what manner? thus indifferently somehow suddenly silently on purpose in vain, vainly to no purpose not in vain gratis, free of charge in a different way quietly skilfully, well involuntarily stealthily barefoot while asleep, in one's sleep together, in common paternally, in a fatherly manner in our (your, and so on) manner, as we (you, likewise) do things in the Ukrainian manner (cf. 7.5.1)