The adverb and adverbial constructions 281 бігом running, at a run заразом simultaneously, all at once тайком secretly цілком, цілковито wholly, thoroughly, entirely жартома in jest, in a joking manner верхи on horseback Ukrainian is particularly rich in adverbs of manner; it is not possible to list every form of this kind in the language, but the list above may be taken as more than representative. 7.5.1 'IN LANGUAGE X' There are a number of ways of saying 'in Ukrainian', 'in English', and so on. Two of these are identical to the expressions 'in the Ukrainian manner' (p. 280): по-українському in Ukrainian по-українськи по-англійському in English по-англійськи The two formations are described in some dictionaries and grammars as being interchangeable, although по-українськи, and so on is especially common in areas with a strong Russian presence (as it is all but identical to the corresponding Russian expression). A more common alternative, currently growing in popularity (especially in new publications) is the feminine instrumental singular: українською (where мовою 'language' is understood but not always англійською expressed) 7.5.2 INDEFINITES A few indefinite adverbs of manner are found as well: якось somehow, in a manner unknown to the speaker як-небудь in any manner, indifferently, carelessly як-будь in any manner будь-як in any manner 7.6 ADVERBIALIZED GERUNDS AND PARTICIPLES Present - or imperfective - gerunds, as described in Chapter 6, describe an action that is the setting for another action: 'While X was taking place, Y (and