Бібліотека Dokladno - наукова та навчальна література



Ви переглядаєте книгу:

Stefan M. Pugh and Ian Press.
Ukrainian: a comprehensive grammar.

Сторінка (загалом з 1 до 331):

304 Ukrainian: A Comprehensive Grammar
Finally it must be said that in defiance of the basic rule that, as it were,
prepositions can only be paired with complementary nouns, in other
words, as it is put, require after them only the indirect cases, the
preposition за can occur also before the nominative case of a noun. (Syn:
а саме 'that is', 'in other words'
Тільки зрідка, а саме звичайно, коли речення починається з
дієприслівника, між цим останнім і його додатковими словами
кладеться підмет.
Only occasionally, that is usually when the sentence begins with a gerund,
is the subject placed between the latter and its complementary words.
(Syn: 302) Paired and repeated conjunctions
Subordinating conjunctions may also occur in pairs (like coordinating
conjunctions), in their case one in the main clause and the other in the
subordinate clause, for example,
чим + comparative ..., тим + comparative ... the x-er..., the x-er ...
Чим далі на схід, тим приступніші стають гори.
The further [one goes] to the east, the more accessible the mountains become,
(adapted from MT: 55, where the second clause is simply «, гори стають
We have already met a good number in the examples above:
дарма що/хоч ..., а(ле)... although .......
тільки ..., як... hardly ..., than .. .
який ..., такий ... such a ..., such a ...
як ..., так .. • since/as ..., (thus)...
коли ..., тоді... when ..., (then)...
де..., там ... where ..., (there)
відкіля ..., відтіля ... from where, (from there)...
не тільки..., але й/а й/а також/а навіть... not only ..., but also/even...
(о)скільки ..., (о)стільки ... insofar as ...
якщо ..., то ... if..., (then)...
A few examples:
Він тільки прийшов, як померла мама.
Scarcely had he come than his mother died.
Де вони мешкали, там і працювали.
Where they lived, (there) they worked too.

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скачати Stefan M. Pugh and Ian Press. Ukrainian: a comprehensive grammar.