NOTES 1 References are to British English except where mentioned otherwise. We do not present a guide to handwriting in this work, but would refer readers to textbooks and teaching grammars. 2 Shev. (1993: 52-3) conveys this most succinctly. 3 Some examples from Shev. (1993: 56). 4 See Chapters 2 and 6. 5 Note in these two examples that there is an alternation between zero and a vowel. Basically, an e or о between consonants may be present before a zero ending or a consonant group and disappear before an actual ending. Most often, but not always, one has о when one of the surrounding consonants is a velar. Both may also be inserted (the other instances have a historical explanation, which can be disturbed by analogy), in order to reduce a syllabic sonorant (p, л, м, н, й), and in preverbs one will have an inserted і before a consonant group. Here are a few examples (nominative plus genitive singular unless mentioned otherwise): лікоть - ліктя 'elbow', орел - орла 'eagle', хлопець - хлопця 'boy', вогонь - вогню 'fire', день - дня 'day', сестра - сестер 'sister' ( + G./?/.), пісня пісень 'song'. ( + When we learn the language, we tend to take this for granted, particularly in such instances as увесь - уся 'all' ( m. + f.), темний - тьма 'dark - darkness' (adj. + f. noun). For the syllabic sonorants we can note віхор/вйхор - віхру/вйхру 'whirlwind', крапля - крапель 'drop' ( + We note the inserted і in verbs in, for example, сходити - зійти 'to come down', зірвати (perf.) зривати (imperf.) 'to pluck', with the preverb з-. 6 In these three instances the source of [i] is the vowel jat' (e)> which might be seen as a long [e]. In this case, we have an earlier quantitative alternation, as in летіти - літати 'to fly' (determinate and indeterminate respectively), замести - замітати 'to sweep', 'cover up' (perfective and imperfective respectively), розплести - розплітати 'to unbraid' (perfective and imperfective respectively). 7 Synjavs'kyj (1941: 60) considers that, in a pure pronunciation, soft adjectives are identical to hard adjectives even where the ending begins with і and Ї, in that the former is pronounced as a soft consonant followed by [i], and the latter as [j] followed by [i], thus синій 'blue' and безкраїй 'boundless' are pronounced as if written синьий, безкрайий respectively. This may probably be considered as non-standard in the modern language.