Бібліотека Dokladno - наукова та навчальна література



Ви переглядаєте книгу:

Stefan M. Pugh and Ian Press.
Ukrainian: a comprehensive grammar.

Сторінка (загалом з 1 до 331):

Notes 307
8 This suffix is very often, but not always, stressed. Unstressed examples
would be хоробрий 'brave', хоробріший, обережний 'prudent', 'cautious',
обережніший. Sometimes two stresses are possible. The stress tends to
stay on the basic stem in adjectives with suffixes such as -ат-, -аст-, -ист-,
-ІЧН-/-ИЧН-, -ОВИТ-.
9 There is retraction of stress in the accusative-genitive of я, ти, він, себе,
весь, хто, що, той, цей (сей), and the locative of весь, хто, що, той, цей
(сей), after prepositions.
10 Немає (немає is often recommended rather than нема) is also the general
expression for 'There isn't/aren't', and as such is constructed with the
genitive case of what is absent/missing, for example, Удома немає хліба
'There's no bread at home'. The positive form is c, constructed usually
with the nominative, though one may find the partitive genitive. In the
past one has не було + G. in the negative and in the positive the
appropriate form of був (neuter for partitives). In the future one has не буде + G.
for the negative and in the positive the appropriate form of the future
11 = two females; if two males, then один одного, if mixed then одне
одного; note that the first component does not change, while the second
goes into the case appropriate to the governing verb or is preceded by a
preposition, for example, Вони розмовляли один з одним — note the
initial stress of the second component. See also Chapter 4, 4.1. This
unexpected stress is to be found in several similar expressions: всі до
одного 'every single one', ні одного 'not one' (case as required). If one
considers all these as instances where we have a compound construction,
then, somewhat as with prepositions plus certain pronouns, we have a
small generalization about stress retraction.
12 Needless to say, the subordinate clause is susceptible to profound
investigation and analysis; however, for the purposes of this grammar, where
general accessibility is paramount, this is minimized.
13 It is difficult to differentiate і/й and та. Synjavs'kyj (1941: 333-7) goes into
considerable detail, concluding that та in general is more likely to
coordinate grammatically and semantically like elements (usually also
rather simple); he sees the difference as emerging particularly in
compound sentences, where та is more likely to coordinate simultaneous
events, such as іде та кричить 'is walking and shouting', but став і
кричить 'got up/stopped and shouts'.
14 An anonymous reader has assured us that, even with two singular
'separated' subjects, the main verb in these two sentences will be plural. This
requires more investigation, including, of course, where one of the
subjects is first or second person.
15 In reading Ukrainian you will constantly note flexibility in the use of
tenses, with the non-past very often selected in order to make the
message more vivid. Do note too that the word 'speech' in the term

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