16 Ukrainian: A Comprehensive Grammar бувай! бувайте! бувайте па! щасливо! до зустрічі! прощавай(те)! добраніч! bye! (even more familiar without the element здоров) bye! (plural, informal) cheerio! until we meet again, see you next time farewell! (sg. and pi.) good night! 'THANK YOU', 'PLEASE', 'YOU'RE WELCOME', 'EXCUSE ME' прошу будь ласка дякую дуже дякую не варто подяки нема за що! вибачте (мені) пробачте (мені) перепрошую please, You're welcome, here you are ((when handing someone something); also: Don't mention it, more Western Ukraine) (same as above, more Eastern Ukraine) thank you thank you very much don't mention it (lit. 'It's not worth thanking') (same as above (lit. 'nothing to (thank me) for')) excuse me excuse me, I'm sorry I'm very sorry 0.6 INTERJECTIONS ox ax ой ex ну, ну й гей господи! жах! ґвалт! ура! чорт! геть! стоп! oh (in expressions of pleasure or consternation, depending on context) oh! ah! (cf. охати 'to groan', охання 'groans', 'groaning') ah (with expression of delight, enthusiasm) depends entirely on context: surprise, delight, impatience, and so on negative, introducing a critical/negative statement imparts an ironic or jesting coloration to a following word or phrase (accompanied by an appropriate intonation) hey! heavens! horrors! help! hurrah! hurray! damn (it)! hell! (get) out! (get) away! stop! bravo! In practice, any vowel alone and almost any vowel in combination with certain consonants, especially й, х, г, н, ф, can constitute an interjection whose expressive nature is tied to context, intonation, facial expressions, and