Бібліотека Dokladno - наукова та навчальна література



Ви переглядаєте книгу:

Stefan M. Pugh and Ian Press.
Ukrainian: a comprehensive grammar.

Сторінка (загалом з 1 до 331):

32 Ukrainian: A Comprehensive Grammar
If the consonant before the apostrophe is a prefix or a part of a prefix, then it
may be softened by the [j], for example:
під'їхати to drive up to (not softened)
з'їзд congress з'явитися to appear (both softened)
Thus it is used after the labials (п'ять 'five'), after p at the end of a syllable
(бур'ян 'weed(s)', кур'єр 'courier'), after a prefix or the first component of a
compound word (з'їхати 'to come down', дит'ясла 'creche'), and in foreign
words (комп'ютер 'computer', ад'ютант 'adjutant').
If there is no [j], there is no apostrophe: свято 'holiday', 'feast', цвях 'nail',
морквяний 'of a carrot (морква)' - we note that the consonant here is a
labial, and the consonant before it belongs to the root. We find the same in
foreign words (especially from French):
бюро office пюпітр reading desk
фюзеляж fuselage
Before [d] the jot ([j]) is conveyed by й or ь (or even both), so here there is no
need for the apostrophe:
Воробйов (family name) серйозний serious
бульйон bouillon
Here are a few more examples:
ти б'сш [t'l bj'ej] You beat об'єкт object
від'їзд [v*idj'izd] departure п'ять [pjatJ] five
п'ю. [pj'u] I drink. здоров'я [zdor'ovja] health
ф'юкати [fj'ukati] to whistle, hiss м'який [mjaki'j] soft
з матір'ю [z~m'atHrju] with mother
One of the initial difficulties in learning Ukrainian is the need to build up
vocabulary; this task can be aggravated if one is not aware of certain quite
regular changes which occur in many common words and are reflected in the
spelling. Here we mention three important consonantal alternations.
(і) [к]-[ІІ|,[Ь]-[з],[х]-Ш = к-н,г-ж,х-ш
рік - річний - річниця year - annual - anniversary
бік - бічний - бочастий side - lateral - with large sides
слуга - служити - служба servant - to serve - service
книга - книжка - книжник book - book - bibliophile
друг - друже - дружина friend - friend (voc.) - wife
страх - страшити - страшний dread, very - to frighten - terrible
дух - душити - душно soul, spirit - to strangle - hot, close

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