Sounds and spelling 33 (ii) [k] - [tsJ], [h] - [zi], [x] - [sJ] = к - ц, г - з, x - c The second of each pair appears before [і] і, something which is an important feature of the declension of nouns: книжка - книжці book (nom. - dat./locsg.) нога - нозі foot/leg (nom. - свекруха - свекрусі mother-in-law (nom. - dat./locsg.) рок - у році year (nom.^g.) - in .. . year (\ універмаг - в універмазі store ( - in the store (\ вухо - у вусі ear ( - in the ear (\ Note that the alternation ц - ч can occur as well: хлопець - хлопче! - хлопчина boy - boy! (voc.) - boy фортеця - фортечний fortress - of a fortress (iii) A much broader range of consonantal alternations is as follows: [t] [d] M и M [h] [Щ- [p] [b] [m] [П [n] [1] [r] [st] [zd]- [tj] to] Ш [3] Ml [3] Ш [Plj] [№] [mV] № [ni] [V] [rJ] [JtJ] [3d3] = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = т д c 3 к Г X П 6 M Ф H л p СТ ЗД 4 ДЖ Ш Ж 4 ж 111 пль бль мль фль нь ль рь щ ждж These alternations are found in a wide number of forms. Their regularity helps us relate земля 'earth' to земний 'earthly', without the soft л, and крапати 'to drip', to крапля 'drop'. These alternations are extremely common in the verb, and they are a function of the stem type to which each particular verb belongs. The following are a number of first-conjugation infinitives (see in which the basic consonant is present (on the left of each pair), while throughout the present tense we have the transformed consonant (on the right). Thus: хотіти to want я хочу, ми хочемо, вони хочуть I/we/they . . . писати to write я пишу, ми пишемо, вони пишуть I/we/they . .. плакати to weep я плачу, ми плачемо, вони плачуть I/we/they ...