Бібліотека Dokladno - наукова та навчальна література



Ви переглядаєте книгу:

Stefan M. Pugh and Ian Press.
Ukrainian: a comprehensive grammar.

Сторінка (загалом з 1 до 331):

Sounds and spelling 43
кінь horse гірка hillock
глухім deaf/dull/thick (L.sg. m./n.) такій such (D.L.sg. f.)
недолугі weak (N.A.pl.) легкі light, easy (N.A.pl.)
глухі deaf (N.A.pl.) всякі every (N.A.pl.)
[i] occurs in the genitive singular and nominative-accusative plural of first-
declension nouns, the nominative-accusative plural of second-declension
nouns, and the nominative-accusative singular masculine of adjectives and
pronouns and the oblique cases of the plural of adjectives and pronouns:
руки of the hand ноги of the leg
свекрухи mothers-in-law руки hands
ноги legs свекрухи of the mother-in-law
береги banks, shores чоловіки husbands
кожухи sheepskin coats
недолугий weak всякий every
глухий deaf
недолугих weak легкими light
глухими deaf всякими every
1.2.3 THE ALTERNATIONS [u - w - v/p], [i - j] IN SPELLING
We find these alternations both at the beginning of a certain number of words
and in the corresponding conjunction and preposition. Thus:
вчитель - учитель teacher іти - йти to go/walk
він і вона he and she вона й онука she and (her) granddaughter
сів у крісло sat in the chair сіла в автобус got on the bus
The vowels [i, u] are both pronounced and noted in the orthography by the
appropriate letters, in principle, at the beginning of a phrase before
consonants (у Києві 'in Kyiv'), after a word ending in a consonant (Іван і Оксана
Tvan and Oksana'), or between words, one of which ends, and the other
begins, in a consonant (Він у кухні 'He's in the kitchen'). Otherwise we have
[j, w, v/p]. Note that Ukrainian у/в are one preposition (thus uniting the two
original prepositions). Ukrainian в, й convey consonants and asyllabic
vowels which occur between a vowel and a consonant at word juncture and
after a vowel at the end of a word.
In most instances the meanings of the following words are clear.
Many older loanwords are completely assimilated, and are unlikely to be
recognized as borrowings:

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скачати Stefan M. Pugh and Ian Press. Ukrainian: a comprehensive grammar.