The noun 87 Attention must be paid to the two alternations: к-ц in the and the replacement of к by ч throughout the plural. Compare this declensional pattern with that of вухо 'ear', which has become a regular hard-stem neuter without a consonant alternation between the singular and plural ( вуха, вух, and so on). Neuter nouns: mixed stems in -я: hidden consonant stems There is one further body of neuter nouns that end in -я or -a; in comparison with the soft-stem forms seen above, this is a smaller (indeed, limited) body of words. The hidden consonant emerges outside of the, and will be either -H- or -T-; the latter all refer to the young of a species, not just animals. The forms of the plural are all clearly hard, while some of those in the singular paradigm are clearly soft. STRESS E + EI ІМ'Я '(FIRST) NAME' N./V. G. D. A. I. L. Singular ім'я імені, ім'я імені ім'я Однина іменем, ім'ям імені Plural - Множина імена імен іменам імена іменами іменах Н./Кл. Р. д. 3. О. м. We note first the stress pattern, viz. shifting to the stem within the singular paradigm. Second, there is vacillation in this form between the forms typical of the -я stems in general, and forms which agree with the rest of this particular paradigm: in other words, there is pressure for the paradigm to agree as a whole, with -н- appearing throughout, away from the -я stem norm. Compare this paradigm with the following pattern: STRESS SE (SS): ПЛЄМ'я 'RACE', 'TRIBE', 'CLAN' N./V. G. D. A. I. L. Singular - Однина плем'я племені, плем'я племені плем'я племенем, плем'ям племені Plural - Множина племена племен племенам племена племенами племенах Н./Кл. Р. д. 3. О. М. Here we see the same tendency noted above: the -я type forms in the are vying with forms containing -н- under pressure of the paradigm as a whole. Ukrainian sources indicate a preference for the SE pattern, but SS may be found as well.