The noun 89 авеню динго жюрі зебу інкогніто інтерв'ю какаду кашне кенгуру колібрі комі конферансьє парвеню поні попурі протеже пюре рантьє ревю рефері саамі сабо сарі соте таксі фламінго фойє фрикасе шимпанзе штрасе avenue dingo jury zebu incognito interview cockatoo scarf, muffler kangaroo hummingbird Komi (a Finno-Ugric people in Russia) commentator parvenu(e) pony potpourri protege puree rentier, one living on a private income revue, review referee Saami (Lapp(s)) shoes with wooden soles (sabots) (France, Belgium) sari sautee taxi flamingo foyer fricassee chimpanzee street 2.3.5 DECLENSION OF PROPER NAMES (PEOPLE) In this section we will examine names of people only; proper place names follow the familiar nominal declensional patterns. The declension of first names and patronymics is identical to that of regular non-proper nouns; thus, both elements of Ольга Петрівна will decline in the same way as нога, Іван declines like студент, and the patronymic Петрович like the masculine mixed-stem type читач (i.e. as animate masculine nouns). Masculine first names in -a (such as Микола) decline as femi- nines, while those in -о (Дмитро, for example) decline as masculines (Дмитро, Дмитри, Дмитрові, and similar). Surnames behave differently, however. All names that look like adjectives, i.e. having the final adjectival markers -ий (Швидкий, Білий), feminine -а (Швидка, Біла), or the soft