Бібліотека Dokladno - наукова та навчальна література



Ви переглядаєте книгу:

Stefan M. Pugh and Ian Press.
Ukrainian: a comprehensive grammar.

Сторінка (загалом з 1 до 331):

94 Ukrainian: A Comprehensive Grammar
У двері стукнув студент. A student knocked at the door. (The
student is new information.)
(3) A noun in the nominative can appear as a thought on its own, with the
verb 'to be' understood:
Зима. (It is/was*) winter.
Літо. (It is/was*) summer.
* depending on context.
(4) A subject (noun or pronoun) can be equated with or defined by
another noun simply by means of a dash, implying the presence of the verb
'to be' (as in X = Y):
Київ - столиця України. Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine.
Шевченко (Він) - творець Shevchenko (He) is the creator (father)
сучасної української of the modern Ukrainian literary
літературної мови. language.
Іван - геолог. Ivan is a geologist.
Ми - і рядові,... і генерали We - privates (army),... and generals,
- солдати. are soldiers.
(О. Єфімов)
The hyphen is replaced by suitable forms of бути Чо be' for like expressions in
the past or future. When a form of this verb is present, the second, or
defining, noun can also appear in the instrumental case depending on style; the
instrumental can imply a more temporary state - especially with professions
(see 'Verbs governing the instrumental case' at; see also
Шевченко був поет/поетом, Shevchenko was a poet.
Ахматова не fry ль росіянка!росіянкою. Akhmatova was not Russian.
Ігор був студентом. Ihor was a student.
(5) Finally, a phenomenon that is widely found is that of double-barrelled,
hyphenated nouns. The two nouns will always agree in case, number, and
gender with one another, whether as subjects or other elements of a
statement; this pattern is an economical way to provide information (without the
use of conjunctions or relative clauses), as the second element more closely
defines or identifies the first element:
генерал-полковник, генерал-майор brigadier-general, major-general
посланник-нуїщііі envoy, but no ordinary envoy, viz.
the Papal nuncio
швейцар-бородач a doorman who has a long beard
(lit. 'doorman-man with a long
beard', Ь. Олійник)

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